When you’re stuck, your past becomes tied up with your present and keeps you from taking new opportunities to live life in a different way. Spring is an ideal time to remind yourself that life is not like that. Each year, nature amazes us with new growth, continually moving forward without dwelling on our thoughts about what’s gone before.

Our behaviour is bound up with our thoughts and feelings, and if we want to handle situations in a better, more life-affirming way, whether that is in our relationships with our parents, our children, our partner or with people in general, we first need to be aware of our thoughts and how they might be distorting our perceptions and hindering our development. No-one wants to be uncaring or thoughtless, but our own pain inevitably spills out and hurts those we love. Whatever position you are in, it is best to arm yourself with a mantra of kindness, and keep your own dignity.

Our behaviour is bound up with our thoughts.

If you want to get rid of thinking patterns and compulsive habits that no longer serve you, and start behaving in a more caring and intelligent way, there is no shame in seeking help. You wouldn’t feel ashamed to ask directions if you were lost in an unfamiliar place, and an experienced psychologist that is practising as a therapist or counsellor is someone who is trained to understand and help you navigate the often confusing pathways of the mind.

And if visiting someone in person about our thoughts and feelings is impractical or overwhelming, remote therapy via email or Skype can be an alternative that is just as effective.

For more articles about anxiety and depression, being stuck, finding a therapist, parenting or relationships select the appropriate option from the categories drop-down menu.

Image copyright: frannyanne / 123RF Stock Photo

Our thoughts sometimes need a spring clean