Guest blog ‘Looking for Change’ by Dorothy Watson, Mental Wellness Center

Looking for Change in Life?

If you feel like you’re stuck in a rut and your personal life could use a makeover, there is some good news: It’s never too late to make a positive change. But the process can feel overwhelming, and you may not know where to begin looking for change.

The key to changing your personal life for the better? Recognising the behaviors that are no longer serving you and replacing them with actions that do. If you’re looking for change and want to turn over a new leaf in life, it’s time to drop these four habits:

Blaming Others

Your current circumstances may not be your fault. In fact, many of us end up dealing with struggles that we didn’t necessarily bring upon ourselves. It’s tempting to simply point fingers at others, but this won’t improve your situation.

Instead, try practicing radical acceptance. Radical acceptance is the choice to embrace reality for what it is, rather than trying to resist it. This involves taking responsibility for every aspect of your life, whether good or bad. The first step to changing your life for the better is understanding that you’re in the driver’s seat.

Avoiding Your Problems

Have you been putting off dealing with the inevitable? Brushing your problems under the rug may feel better temporarily, but it won’t serve you well in the long run. Whether you need to have a tough conversation with a friend or open up to an experienced therapist about your mental health, it’s time to face those issues head on.

Starting small is a great way to begin this practice. Perhaps you’ve been putting off paying down debt, and while it nags at you constantly, it’s easier to pay minimum balances and pretend it’s not there. Here’s a perfect opportunity to sit down and calculate everything you owe, and come up with a plan to pay it off. Or maybe you’ve allowed your home to become a catch-all for your clothing, shoes and bags. Take the time to take stock of what you have, what you need and what you can get rid of. Literally clearing out baggage can be the nudge you need to change your perspective and your energy.

Worrying About What You Can’t Control

Worrying about events outside of our control is a major source of anxiety for many people. Stressing out over “What if?” scenarios can keep you up at night. These thoughts can rob you of your joy and prevent you from living your life to the fullest. This is especially true if these “What if?” scenarios involve work; by invading your thoughts in such a way, they can rob you of that all-important work-life balance, which is important to maintain.

Instead, make a conscious choice to concentrate on what you can control, and let go of what you can’t. When you notice yourself worrying about something that may or may not happen, and you know that you don’t have the power to affect the outcome, take a deep breath and shift your focus to something that you can control.

Taking Happiness for Granted

Many of us race through each day without stopping to smell the roses. We barely pause for a moment to reflect on all the good in our lives. But expressing gratitude, even for the simple things, can brighten your spirit and make each day feel special.

You can intentionally practice gratitude every day. Try keeping a gratitude journal and starting each morning by writing down a few things you’re thankful for. Meditating and being mindful in your everyday life can also help you recognise everything you have to be grateful for. By staying mindful and present, you will naturally notice and appreciate all the beautiful things that make life worth living.

Looking for Change: Summary

Changing your life starts with small steps. By cultivating a positive mindset, taking responsibility for the challenges you’re facing, and planning for the future, however distant it may seem, you can begin turning your life around.

looking for change

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